It's finally here!
A few months back, I wrote about how I was going to create my own Countdown to Christmas Movie Calendar. Well, I did and I’m here to share it with you. Of course, this is filled with movies that will help get us in the Christmas mood, but if any of you want to switch the movies around to different days, be my guest. I put some of my favorites on the weekends so I could be sure to enjoy them without the added annoyance of being too tired to watch, so if some of your favorites didn’t make the cut, this calendar is obviously not set in stone. I encourage you to make your own and, if you feel comfortable, share it with us below! You'll notice that I've left Christmas Eve and Christmas Day blank. This is because I've found that most people, including myself, use those days to rewatch their favorites, so those two days are a free-for-all! Personally, I'll be watching The Polar Express again for Christmas Eve, because, duh, but just remember that this is all about having fun and keeping the spirit of the season alive throughout all of December! Check out the calendar and let me know what you think in the comments below!
Click below to download and print as we Countdown to Christmas together!!