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Carl Reiner


Updated: Mar 14, 2021

On June 29, 2020, Carl Reiner sadly passed away. I knew of him because of the Dick Van Dyke Show, which I knew about because of Dick Van Dyke, whom I loved from Mary Poppins. I’m a pretty big fan of Dick Van Dyke and his show, so when I saw the headline that Reiner had passed away, I was heartbroken.

There aren’t a lot of comedians these days that can hold a candle to those of Reiner. If any of you had seen even one episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, then you know what Reiner’s talent brought to the show. Versatile is only one of the words I can use to describe him as an actor/comedian. In honor of his work, CBS held a tribute to Carl Reiner that featured two episodes of the Dick Van Dyke Show in color. As a special treat, they were able to get Dick Van Dyke himself to open the tribute while he spoke about Reiner’s talent and overall character, which was really great!

While it was so sweet to see this tribute for Reiner, as a fan, I just wanted more. I was speaking to my dad about it, who watched the tribute as well, and while we both loved watching the episodes and seeing Dick Van Dyke, it felt a little flat to us. On one hand, I had thought that they could’ve done a video compilation of Reiner’s work or have more people who worked with him to speak of his talent or overall person, but on the other hand, I am also aware of what is going on in the world today and that there are more important things to focus on. The fact that they did anything at all was really great. Luckily, I found that CBS did do a segment on their morning show about him, which I will post below! I think for anyone who’s a fan of someone, no matter who the person is, when that person passes, you’re always going to want to see more tributes to said person, only because you loved them so much. So for now, I’m just going to say that Reiner will be missed. Obviously, I only know him through the screen, but man was he great. Enjoy the video below!

***I do not own these photos.

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