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Christmastime Is Here



If there was a theme for our Christmas this year, “Cozy” would be the word to describe it. I literally spent the whole day in my pajamas and it was fabulous. Again, due to the pandemic, we did not have any outside family visiting nor did we have to travel (which, trust me, I’m not complaining about) so we really got to relax.

Christmas Eve was so nice. We spent the whole day watching Christmas movies, eating, AND cooking — in that order. Everyone participated in the cooking too, which was really different but so fun. Some made appetizers, others made desserts and my mom and I made stuff for dinner. With a fire in the fireplace, some delicious hot chocolate, and Marnie Mae for snuggles, it really was one of the best holidays ever! We closed out the night by watching The Polar Express, which we’ve never done before, and it was so fun! My siblings and I stayed up until waaayy past midnight just chatting and feeling all kinds of nostalgic. I’ll tell you, it doesn’t get much better than that, but then Christmas Day happened…

Christmas Day was much of the same and every bit as amazing. My mom made a big Christmas breakfast (which has become a wonderful tradition in our family) followed by a delicious Christmas dinner which, once again, everyone participated in. I think that’s what made this holiday so special. Instead of rushing around and making sure that we got to see everyone before the holiday ended, we were all kind of forced to slow down and enjoy being with one another, which was so nice. Just working together to create dinner was so relaxing. It almost felt like a Norman Rockwell kind of Christmas — super fun and festive with all the comfort that family brings you.

We also decided to go a little different with stockings this year. Instead of getting something for everyone in their stockings, we came up with the idea of making it a “Secret Stocking Stuffer,” in which everyone would draw a name from a hat and whoever they get would be the only stocking they fill it for. On top of that, everyone had to shop at the local dollar store with a $20 budget so that we were all on the same playing field. With the way this year was, we were all on a budget (not that we’re ever not) and this felt like the best way to handle it. Agreeing not to take anything too seriously and just have fun while also being economically conscious. Win-win!

While the holidays were different this year, my family and I definitely made the best of it. We’re lucky because we’re all really close, so it isn’t that much of a struggle to enjoy any time together, let alone Christmas. For those of you who may be struggling or missing your loved ones during the holidays, just know that my family and I are thinking of you and wishing nothing but the best for you and your family! May this New Year be nothing like this past one and bring more love and joy into your life than the past! Happy Holidays!

How do you celebrate the holidays? Let me know in the comments below!

***I do not own this GIF.

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