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Dove's Advice

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

Earlier this week, the chocoholic that I am snacked on a little piece of Dove (Dark) Chocolate. As I popped that glorious piece of dessert in my mouth (šŸ˜œ), I looked at the wrapper and saw that there was a little message printed on the inside. The piece of foil read, ā€œLet Life Bloom.ā€

To take that message figuratively, I would have said that it meant I should be letting the chips fall where they may, so to speak.

Let life do what it does naturally.

You canā€™t control it.

But then I thought about it a little more deeply and realized that this message is the complete opposite of what I took it for. For something to bloom, one has to water it and give it sunlight ā€” they have to care for it. The natural way of growing comes later when itā€™s been given its best chance to bloom. If I take this literally, and I think we could all benefit from doing so, it means that life isnā€™t just going to happen for us. Dreaming is a beautiful thing. I love to dream. But everyone has a dream. The only way to make that dream a reality is to have the courage to do something about it.

My trip to Atlanta could be seen as a failure to some. Honestly, some days even I think of it that way but then I remind myself that I did that all on my own. I went out to try something that no one in my family had ever done. I lived there for a year, where I found my best girl, Marnie Mae. I learned to be on my own for the first time in my life. I learned that I LOVED cooking. I learned that I loved being on my own without anyone else's input. Hell, that's where I started writing for my blog! I learned so many lessons that I wouldn't have otherwise if I hadn't made that move. I know that this may sound corny, and it probably is, but itā€™s something that couldā€™ve never happened if I hadnā€™t made that decision. Without even knowing it, I was planting my seeds for success in the future. Yes, I have not gotten that dream job yet, but thatā€™s okay. That doesnā€™t mean the journeyā€™s over. Every day, I sit down and I write and I work towards something better for myself tomorrow. So start planting your seeds now you guys and remember, flowers bloom every year. If something doesn't work out the first time around, keep going! You've got a lot of time to grow.

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