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Fall Cleaning 🧹

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

I know that Fall cleaning is a “thing,” but how did it get that way? Is it because of people like me who know that an immense amount of decorating is going to take place within the next four months that you get the urge to clean the house in preparation? Or is it the cooler weather that gives people the motivation to tidy up? The fact that you can move two feet without the heat and humidity causing you to take a shower for the fifth time that day would be reason enough for me to wait until the Fall. Maybe it’s both? Either way, my urge to do some Fall cleaning came in strong this weekend and I’m exhausted.

Honestly, I feel like I just did my Spring cleaning yesterday and now we’re heading into Fall!? Where has the time gone? Also, who knew so much dirt could accumulate in just a few months? Not that my place is a pit but I did so much dusting yesterday that I just know I’m going to wake up with a sore throat tomorrow. For those of you who may not know where to start, I found a great checklist from (found here) that might help you focus on specific places in your home you may not think to clean (and if you’re like me, probably haven’t in while). I'll admit, I didn't get through half of what the checklist suggested, such as washing the washing machine, because that felt a little too redudent to me. I did do most of the stuff for the bathrooms and living areas, but the bedroom stuff is kind of year round for me, so I didn't bother with that.

Regardless, I’m very pleased with how the house looks. Just knowing that the house is clean makes me happy. Is that weird? I will say that having it clean makes me even more excited for the cooler seasons. I’m ready to get out those candles and put the fire on ASAP. As of right now, the weather is at the point where you can turn off the AC and leave the windows open so you’re guaranteed to get a nice breeze throughout the day. The mornings are getting chillier and the days are getting shorter, all of which points to the best time of the year — SWEATER WEATHER. So as we start to put the shorts away and start putting the pumpkins out, I encourage you to do some Fall cleaning. I may just get you in the mood for some Fall decorating…

Have any of you started your Fall cleaning yet? Or do you not even participate in this, seeing as it’s not mandatory and it's just an urge I get every once and while? Let me know in the comments below!

***I do not own this GIF/photo.

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