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goodbye 2020


Updated: Mar 14, 2021

I think we can all agree that this year was not what anyone was expecting and while it’s been hard, I’m still optimistic about what lies ahead. In fact, I think that’s the most exciting part about this holiday — the idea that anything can happen. Good, bad, or indifferent, we’re all guaranteed to have a completely new and different start to 2021, and Lord knows we need it.

Similar to Christmas, my family and I spent both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day chilling in the house. If it’s even possible, this holiday was even more laid back than Christmas. Maybe it’s because there wasn’t as much baking or fanfare involved or that there’s just not as much pressure on this holiday compared to Christmas, but either way, it was relaxing all the same. My mom made chili on New Year’s Eve for dinner, which we devoured in front of the television watching New Year’s Eve, the movie. None of us were in the mood for any type of dessert seeing as we still had so many cookies and tasty treats leftover from Christmas.

My brother and I stayed up until midnight, but we didn’t watch the ball drop. I don’t know about you but that whole thing holds no interest for me anymore. Unless they decide to actually have the ball crash into a million pieces, I probably won’t watch it ever again. From the dull interviews to the mundane performance, there’s not much of a draw for me. Instead, I decided to write out my resolutions for the New Year. I don’t hold myself to these “resolutions,” but instead use them as a way to motivate and remind myself of what my hopes and dreams are for the future. I put down things I adamantly need to work on or work towards, almost like a bucket list. For example, I want to own a house, so I’m making a payment plan that can get me a step closer. It’s not something I need to constantly remind myself to do or check off on some imaginary list, just a reminder that I have something to work towards. I'd also like to publish a children's book that I've been working on, so I put that on the list as a gentle reminder not to give up on that dream. It may take time but in writing these things down it almost solidifies that I have to do something with it. As you can tell, I very into the whole "put it out into the universe, and the universe will answer you," thing.

It’s weird but New Year’s Day never feels different to me. Sometimes it takes until we’re into February to realize that it’s a completely new year. Does anyone else feel that way? With New Years’ Eve, there’s always the hope and the promise of something new ahead, but as soon as you wake up in the morning, it’s just another day, is it not? Maybe that’s why we try and make this day a little more special? I made some tasty snacks, most of which I intended (and failed) to make for Christmas and others that I scraped together with the leftovers in our fridge. From sausage pastries to sweet potato fries, I think my family and I rung in the New Year with a bang. I started reading The Subtle Art Of Not Giving a F*ck and chilled in the living room with Marnie, with our scented candles burning in the background. Does that not scream perfect?

We all need a little reminder that change is a good thing, which is, for me, what this holiday represents. As humans, we’re constantly growing and evolving, and the New Year is just another way to remember how important it is to be present and not take for granted what you have right in front of you, whether it’s your family or your health, or both. As I mentioned before, this year was far from what any of us could’ve expected, but if there were any pro’s to 2020, it’s that it gave us more time to reflect and appreciate what we do have compared to what we don’t. I hope that you all have a wonderful New Year, filled with happiness and joy and I can’t wait to share more content with you all in 2021!

How did you all spend your holiday? Let me know in the comments below!

***I do not own this GIF.


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