For those who don’t know, I’m a HUGE Marvel fan. I’ve seen every single film they’ve made and then some, so you can imagine I was very excited to see this one. However, it had a lot to live up to. The time period it’s set in the 90s, before any of the other Marvel movies took place, and introduced us to a younger Nick Fury and Agent Coulson, right as they were starting out with S.H.I.E.L.D. This movie alluded to the idea that it was going to explain a lot about Fury and, more importantly, how Captain Marvel fit into this Universe.
I have to say, I was disappointed with a lot of it.
Captain Marvel herself, Carol Danvers, was great. I loved her storyline and if I didn’t know anything about the Marvel movies or superheroes, I would have LOVED the film in its entirety. However, that was not the case. To start with, Coulson and Fury were already working for S.H.I.E.L.D in this film but what bothers me is that they were already calling it S.H.I.E.L.D. when they didn’t come up with that shortened title until Iron Man 2, at least twenty years later. Again, this probably won’t bother most people, but I care about the little details just as much as the big ones and it bothered me.
My next issue has to do with the fact that Captain Marvel and the others end up finding the tesseract, which is what caused the big problem in the first Avengers film. At the end of this film, Danvers told Fury to hide it on Earth. Again, good ole’ me couldn’t help but get annoyed. If Fury had a way to contact Carol, why didn’t he do it during the first Avengers movie? She clearly interacted with it. If you're going to put this kind of information in her movie, you better have the story fleshed out enough that it makes sense. It just feels like lazy writing to me. Wouldn’t you think that Carol would’ve tried to help if she knew the tesseract was stolen? She could’ve ended Loki’s takeover before it even began.
Finally, we do find out how Fury lost his eye…and I’m pissed. Long story short, an alien-cat scratches his eye. Yes, you read that right. He got his eye scratched by a CAT. What the hell!?! I don’t know if this was Marvel’s idea of a joke, but it fell flat in my opinion. I think many fans, like myself, have been dying to know how Fury lost his eye and I’m kind of disappointed that this was how it happened. It was very anti-climatic and unnecessary. Fury is a soldier. I would’ve preferred if he lost in the line of battle with Captain Marvel, trying to save a life or something — not by a stupid cat. It was just so ridiculous that I couldn’t enjoy it.
As you can see, there are a lot of discrepancies in this film that irritated me, but like I mentioned earlier, if I wasn’t so obsessed with these movies, I probably wouldn’t have noticed half of it. Captain Marvel, the superhero, not to be confused with the movie itself, is awesome. I can’t wait to see how she helps the Avengers in future movies. I loved seeing her kick ass and it was great to see a woman superhero whose armor (or costume) wasn’t meant to be eye-candy. It was necessary and did it’s job in keeping her protected. Overall, I enjoyed myself and I'm excited for what comes next.
Have you seen this film yet? In not, will you? Let me know what you think!
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