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Movie of the Week: Interview With God

Over the weekend, I came across this movie that came out about a few years ago. I didn’t plan on watching the whole thing, but I was curious to see if it would keep me interested, and it kind of did. I ended up watching the whole thing but mainly because I was hoping that something would surprise me.

It didn’t.

The idea of the movie seemed really interesting, but for the most part, it was very predictable. The main character is a journalist who plans to, you guessed it, interview God. Of course, he doesn’t think this is the real God, just someone crazy person who has something to say. Basically clickbait for journalists. Nevertheless, over the course of their three interviews, the journalist comes to realize that this God seems to know a lot more than any normal person should. I won’t continue with this summary as you can probably guess how it turns out. If not, be my guest and watch it on your own time. I don’t want to spoil everything.

I will say that the actual interviews themselves are very interesting. They don’t shy away from topics pertaining to the Bible, but they also didn’t try and tackle issues that many people would probably have today in regards to matters of the state, i.e. sexual orientation, abuse within the church, hierarchy within the church, etc. Issues that I, myself, would want to ask God about. Their main focus was in regards to the question that many people have which is, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Again, I’ll leave this up to the viewer to watch, but this was the only part of the film I found to be interesting.

While the movie itself didn’t leave me satisfied, I did walk away asking my dad to watch it, because it is one of those movies that I would want to speak to others about and get their opinion. Does that make sense? Overall, the movie was a little too cheesy for my taste, but if you can overlook that predictable, “it’s a miracle!” type of ending, then you’re good to go!

Have any of you watched it? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

**I do not own this photo.

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