This film, starring Candance Cameron Bure and Jesse Hutch, follows Stephanie Beck (Bure) who works at her father’s (the late Alan Ricke) company and has been ordered to check out a lodge that the company is looking to buy and transform into a modern-day hot spot. However, it’s once she gets there and meets Brady (Hutch) and his parents, who own the lodge, that she rediscovers her love for the season and, unexpectedly, a newfound interest in Brady himself.
This is one of these films that makes me wish things like the lodge were real. I would absolutely love to spend the holidays in a place like this. From sledding to making cookies and fun bedtime traditions for the guests (it’s not weird, I promise), the whole thing screams holiday cuteness! I can’t say for sure, but I’m pretty positive that this is the first Hallmark Christmas movie that I watched of Candance Cameron Bure’s eventual long list of films with the “Heart of Christmas” company. Say what you will, but Bure’s Hallmark Christmas films are usually within the top five for me when all of the Countdown to Christmas films air. In a way, they should be, as she is one of the Christmas Queens.
I have to be honest — there’s not much I don’t like about this movie. With a cute romance, snowy expeditions, and all the visuals for a cozy Christmas, this checks a lot off my list for a sweet Christmas film. Luckily, this film is still played during Hallmark’s Christmas marathons, so if you keep your eye out, you’ll probably be able to catch it. It’s also available for purchase, which I’m sure you can find on Amazon if you don’t want to wait. I highly recommend this one, so I hope you enjoy it as well!
***I do not own this photo.