Starring Sarah Drew and Brennan Elliot, Christmas in Vienna follows Jess, a violinist who has lost her passion to play. While on a trip to Vienna for a special performance, she meets Mark, a single father who has failed to give him and his three children a permanent place to call home. When the children’s nanny finds a side job during the holiday season, Jess finds herself in the role of governess as she and the kids make their way through Vienna, enjoying all that the city has to offer. It’s through them, and her newfound feelings for Mark, that Jess rediscovers her love for music and performing.
I have to say, I was disappointed in this movie. It was not only one of the first films advertised for the Countdown, it was also one of the most heavily marketed. I figured any film that had that much marketing put into it meant that it also had more time put into the storyline, but you know what they say when you assume things… Christmas in Vienna is basically a knock-off version of The Sound of Music. If the single father in need of a nanny (whose specialty is music), then maybe the end of the film will do it, in which the whole family sings a song for the audience at the Christmas concert. I swear, they were this close to singing “Edelweiss”. Just as in The Sound of Music, they tried having a stubborn father figure with Mark, but instead of finding him endearing as one did with Captain Von Trapp, you find that Mark isn’t that likable. From turning down Jess’s advances — twice — to his standoff-ish nature that doesn't really go away until the very end of the movie, I found myself wondering why Jess even bothered with him? He was most definitely not worth her time, and not mine either if I'm being honest.
Thankfully, my unhappiness doesn’t come from a lack of Christmas in this movie. If the film did anything right, it was making Christmas extremely prominent throughout the story and showcasing the beauty of Vienna during the holiday season. Everything about Vienna is so festive during the holiday season, and having actually filmed this movie in Vienna, it made watching it more exciting knowing that everything you were seeing, location-wise, was real. From the lights to the Christmas events throughout the city, such as lighting the advent wreath to tasting apple strudel, I am even more inclined to spend my own Christmas there one day!
While the story isn’t anything new or special, the visuals alone more than make up for it. So if you’re okay with watching a festive film without the added touch of a sweet romance, then I say give a shot. If anything, you’ll probably just have a craving for apple strudel afterward. Nothing wrong with that, right?
For any of you who have already seen this, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
***I do not own this photo.